Growth from Decay is a book about the ‘Cradle to Cradle’ process and mycelium’s (the ‘roots’ of mushrooms) role in creating a sustainable world.
The Cradle to Cradle Process is a solution to the growing waste problem. It was developed by Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart and William McDonough. It is a circular method of production where waste becomes nutrients. Waste is designed to either go back into a biological process to break down in nature or a technological process where the materials are taken apart and reused. 
The role of Mycelium; the ‘roots’ of fungi, has enormous potential in the cradle to cradle biological process. There are many products that can be made from mycological composite material. It has the potential to replace single use plastics. These products are revolutionary, as they are quick and easy to produce, create no by-product and can be composted safely back into the earth with no contamination.

This publication aims to give the reader a brief knowledge of mycelium and mushrooms. It will introduce them to the concept of mycelium based eco alternatives, how they work and how they can be applied in different industries.
Engaging imagery, type, quotes and infographics aim to inspire the reader and pique their interest in the possibilities of mycelium based materials. 

Growth from Decay


Growth from Decay

Publication Design
